First Day High at Leap of Faith Learning Center

It has been observed, not only at the Leap of Faith Learning Center, but in other schools as well, that children and parents get excited at the start of every school year. Now, the new school year SY 2011 to 2012 at the Leap of Faith Learning Center has officially started on June 14, 2011. This time is no exception to the new school and/or new school year fever, which children and parents most likely feel.

Indeed, not only is this excitement felt by the students of the Leap of Faith Learning Center as well as their parents and families, but the same anticipation likewise extends to the faculty, administration, and staff of the Leap of Faith Learning Center.

Looking back, the Leap of Faith Learning Center family has truly left behind a fun and fruitful school year, but this new school year will be even better.  To start with, the school now has better facilities to make everyone even more comfortable, and more importantly, to make the Leapians’ haven more conducive for learning, working, and even playing.

Moving forward, it is worth mentioning that the Leap of Faith Learning Center parents and students already had a glimpse of what to expect from this new school year during the parents’ and students’ orientation, which were held separately from June 7 to 9, 2011.

For another thing, as the population of the Leap of Faith Learning Center is growing, with the opening up of the new Grade 5 level, the school as well added new teachers who, along with the current teachers, all underwent a successive training seminar and workshop during the summer.

The parents met with the respective moderators of their students. They had the chance to get to know not only their children’s moderators, but the other LOFLC parents as well. Also, they got acquainted with the school’s policies, the requirements needed by their children, as well as other matters concerning the parents’ expectations and what are expected of them. The occasion likewise allowed them to raise whatever questions and concerns they had.

On the other hand, the Leapians, especially the newcomers, had an opportunity of their own to meet up with their teachers and new classmates. This orientation activity was aimed at simply making the students comfortable in their new school, new classrooms, new teachers, and new classmates.

Thereafter, the Leap of Faith Learning Center had a simple blessing ceremony of the new campus facilities, with the kind assistance of Reverend Fr. Voltaire Dimol. Fr. Voltaire is the parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish located at the Central Park Subdivision, Bangkal, Davao City.

For those who missed all the Leap of Faith Learning Center activities during the previous school year SY 2010 to 2011 and the summer following it, there is no need for you to worry.  You can still keep yourselves apprised by regularly checking out this Leap of Faith Learning Center blog.

Thank you very much for your continued trust and support in the Leap of Faith Learning Center. To the new students and parents of the Leap of Faith Learning Center, our warmest welcome! Of course, to the old students and parents, our happiest welcome back!

Happy new school year everyone!